Symbolic signage came into existence very early when individuals drew a picture on the entrance of their cave or hut indicating to others that they had products to exchange.
Tradesmen’s signs were prevalent in ancient Egypt and Greece – sometimes painted, sometimes carved in stone. Many have been uncovered in the ruins of Pompeii and other cities.

During the 17th and 18th centuries it was an endless vista of colourful signboards hanging from shops and houses along narrow streets.
Merchants competed for trade by using larger and larger signs so an ordinance was passed in 1761 requiring signs to be fixed against shop walls and projection from buildings was limited to 4 inches.

The beginning of sign regulation!
The 1890’s produced technical innovations that would accelerate the growth of the sign industry. Neon gas was discovered in 1898 and a neon tube was produced in 1910. The first recorded use of a neon-luminous sign was in 1921 and it contained just the word “Packard”.

Post WWII the technological advances of the war, demanded and delivered new designs and materials for our industry.
The use of plastics, mainly acrylics, in custom signs called for new design, fabrication, moulding skills and illumination.
Technology and electronic developments in other industries have led to changes and advancement in the signage industry today – improved acrylics, material developments including vinyls, advancement in machinery and computer technology and the major leap forward in LED modules for illumination.

And at Albert Smith Signs we have definitely come a long way!
Compare our dentist sign of yesteryear to our dentist sign of today!